
PMC's Every Day Heroes

Every Day HerosLeslie Semonian, 28, a business school graduate student, founded the PMC’s first all-women team - two dozen determined females sporting the temporary tattoo: “Wicked Women on Wheels.”

Semonian’s battle with bone cancer began in 1991. So much of her energy was spent fighting her illness, she recalls, that she needed a different physical challenge to focus on. She started training and by 1994 was fit enough to complete her first PMC. Two months later, her cancer returned.

She faced a year of chemotherapy and radiation. Last year, still weak from treatment, she called the PMC office looking for a partner for a tandem ride. Chris McKeown, former PMC operations manager, happily obliged.

This year, feeling stronger, Leslie rode solo. Every time she makes it to the finish line, she says, is another challenge met.


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